
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

...Not Giving Up Yet.

I know you're all just dying to see what I've been up to these past few months.  I never wanted to stop writing, but somehow I did.  The end of the year and into the start of the new year is a really busy time for me at work, and I didn't manage to keep up with everything as well as I had planned.

Stop right there!  I know what you're thinking:

But Amy, it's almost April!  Well, yes.  It is.  So... I was busy, and then I wasn't as busy, but because I wasn't as busy anymore, I found time to do other things with my freedom and then failed to write about those other most definitely awesome things that I did.

Amy's back!  I bet she made lots of cool stuff while she was gone.  To that, I guess my response would be...yes?  I made money, and that is cool stuff, because it's nice to have a job and feel useful.  I also sewed about half a jacket in three months.  And if that wasn't enough, I made jello shots on two separate occasions.  Two!  Hold your applause.

Jello shots? What are you, twenty one?  Have you seen Pinterest and its love of jello+booze?  It's no longer for kids!  (Also, I'm not sure how old the people that partake in the jello shooting are these days, is it twenty one?  Seventeen?  Who knows.)

So you're telling me in over three months all you've accomplished is half a jacket and jello shots?  Yeah, that's pretty much it.  But I promise I'll finish that stupid jacket soon.

Oh yeah, and I hit a home run at softball a couple weeks ago!  Amy Attempts Athletic Greatness.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you did something else that you should share here! I know it was just at your birthday party but COME ON!!! The blades want to be thrown again!
